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- Cancellation of gymnasium project at École secondaire catholique de La Vérendrye
- Music lessons with Martin Blanchet at École secondaire catholique de La Vérendrye: an introduction to francophone music in Thunder Bay
- It's registration time
- Local talent joins the Lakehead University wrestling team!
- Claudette Gleeson reelected as Chair of CSDCAB
- Bullying: we can all help put an end to it
- Victory for the Vipères junior boys’ volleyball team
- Two BRAVO! Awards for the CSDCAB
- CSDCAB receives approval for the addition of a gymnasium at ÉSC de La Vérendrye
- Technological learning with DroneGO
- Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee 2024-2025
- Brian St-Pierre in our schools
- A look back at Regional Day 2024
- First school year for ÉSC des Satellites
- Pride month in CSDCAB schools
- Appointment of trustee welcomed at CSDCAB
- My Catholic School, My Pride" Raffle
- École catholique Franco-Supérieur celebrates their 45th anniversary
- A Franco-Anishnabe cultural bridge: six more schools build their canoes
- Looking for a school counsellor: Thunder Bay
- A return on La Vérendrye’s trip to Europe
- Claudette Gleeson awarded the Ordre de la Pléiade de 2024
- Show your flag for Francophonie Month!
- Family Day Weekend Activities
- Spreading Christmas magic
- Appointment of a new Executive Director of Human Resources
- Claudette Gleeson reelected as Chair of CSDCAB
- Creation of virtual secondary school with regional satellite campuses
- Quetico's 2023 Leadership Camp a success!
- Aurores boréales CSDC School Open House
- New Superintendent of Education appointed
- CSDCAB schools celebrate Pride Month
- Sylvie Payeur, recipient of the AFOCSC Award for Excellence in Catholic Education
- A podcast by and for the young people of Longlac
- Invitation to Attend Facility Partnership Meeting
- The many smiles of the 25th: Vote now!
- L’École catholique Celebrates 25 Years of Smiles
- Pet therapy at ÉSC de La Vérendrye
- The canoe: a Franco-Anishnabe cultural bridge
- Creating drums at La Vérendrye
- Claudette Gleeson elected Chair
- A day of reflection and reconciliation
- Renovations and new home for Lac des Mille Lacs at 175 High Street North
- Two new trustees elected, Madeleine Oakes and Victoria Mauro
- #Couleurs du Nord au territoire des Aurores boréales
- A back-to-school experience to remember
- Mireille Major-Levesque, new Director of Education
- New address for the Aurora Borealis CSDC headquarters
- Celebrating La Vérendrye graduates
- Students of the ÉSC de La Vérendrye in the spotlight
- Partnership between Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation and the CSDCAB
- Collection of socio-demographic data at CSDCAB
- Retirement of CSDCAB’s Director of Education
- Letter to parents from Minister, Stephen Lecce and Dr. Kieran Moore
- New websites for the CSDC des Aurores boréales
- Reappointment of CSDCAB Chair and Vice-Chair
- New Superintendent of Education Appointed at the CSDC des Aurores boréales
- November 1-7, 2021: Treaty Recognition Week
- The Northwest, Land of the Giants
- Socio-demographic data collection project
- Thematic workshops
- Parent Involvement Committee
- Appointment of an Associate Director of Education
- Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF)
- Independent member to serve on the Audit Committee
- Let's paddle together
- Every child counts
- Carine Picard, new student advisor
- Catholic Education Week: Cultivating Hope
- Wellness strategies submitted by students
- Wellness Challenge
- Switching to virtual mode
- Conference by David Bouchard
- Distance learning
- Christmas Masses
- Province-wide containment
- Message from the Director of Education
- Renewal of mandates at the CSDCAB
- Start of the school year 2020-2021
- School Reopening Registration Survey
- 2020 Summer Camps
- Science Fair 2020
- National Aboriginal Peoples' Day
- Come and build your future
- New Councillors at the Council Table
- New Director of Human Resources
- Extension of school closures
- Survey of our families
- Agreement in principle
- Wellness and mental health
- March 22, 2020: Letter from the Minister of Education
- Cancellation of EQAO assessments
- No strike by March 27
- Schools closed and transportation cancelled on Thursday, March 5, 2020
- AEFO Cancels February 27 Strike Day
- Schools closed and transportation cancelled on February 21
- Renewal of mandates at the CSDCAB
- Time to code
- No impact on our schools - work-to-rule
- Eureka!, a free homework help service
- The leadership camp has a new look!
- Become a volunteer
- National Aboriginal Peoples' Day
- 2nd robotics tournament
- Boreal Camp 2019
- Raising the pride flag
- Mental Health Week
- Catholic Education Week
- School Climate Survey
- Projects to Prevent Dating Violence Among Rural and Aboriginal Teens and Youth
- The Trades Camp
- School Bus Registration - Thunder Bay
- The month of the Francophonie