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DroneGO is visiting our schools!
Students from École secondaire catholique des Satellites discovered drones with Marc Côté.

They had the unique opportunity to take part in an exciting educational activity on drones, led by an expert in the field. The event introduced the youngsters to cutting-edge technologies, while learning the basics of drone piloting and practical applications.
Under the supervision of Marc Côté, students learned about the different types of drones, their components and their various uses in fields such as aerial photography, agriculture and even emergency response. The workshop included live demonstrations, simulations and an introduction to piloting, all in a safe, supervised environment.

By encouraging technological exploration, École secondaire catholique des Satellites aims to broaden its students' horizons and prepare them for tomorrow's professions.

Enfant-Jésus Catholic School
Franco-Terrace Catholic School
Val-des-Bois Catholic School
Immaculate Conception School
Our Lady of Fatima School
St. Joseph School
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DroneGO est en visite dans nos écoles!Les élèves de lÉcole secondaire catholique des Satellites ont découvert les drones avec Marc Côté.Ils ont eu loccasion unique de participer à une activité éducative passionnante sur les drones, animée par un expert en la matière. Lévénement a permis aux jeunes de sinitier aux technologies de pointe tout en apprenant les bases du pilotage et des applications pratiques des drones.Sous la supervision de Marc Côté, les élèves ont pu découvrir les différents types de drones, leurs composants et leurs usages variés dans des domaines comme la photographie aérienne, lagriculture, et même les interventions durgence. L’atelier comprenait des démonstrations en direct, des simulations et une initiation au pilotage, le tout dans un cadre sécuritaire et encadré.En encourageant l’exploration technologique, l’École secondaire catholique des Satellites se donne pour mission d’élargir les horizons de ses élèves et de les préparer aux métiers de demain.École catholique de lEnfant-Jésus  École catholique Franco-Terrace  École catholique Val-des-Bois  École Immaculée-Conception  École Notre Dame de Fatima  École St-Joseph

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It's going really well, with committed students and supportive staff! Week two begins next Monday with École catholique Val-des-Bois. Then it's off to École Notre Dame de Fatima and École St-Joseph, before returning to Thunder Bay in the middle of the week. Thank you for your invitation!

Today, we celebrate World Teachers' Day, which takes place tomorrow, October 5. Thank you to our teachers for their unparalleled dedication to the success of every student entrusted to our care. Thank you for nourishing minds, comforting hearts and inspiring dreams. You make an invaluable difference in the lives of our students. 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫 ... Voir plusVoir moins

On September 27, all Aurores boréales CSDC staff gathered in Thunder Bay for the launch of the Board's 2024-2029 strategic plan.

Mireille Major-Levesque, Director of Education, unveiled the new multi-year strategic plan 2024-2029. The fruit of intense collaborative work, to which employees, community partners, parents and trustees contributed, it embodies our collective will to go further together for the good of our students.

These three pillars - identity, innovation and caring - form our 2024-2029 plan. They represent both our heritage and our vision for the future.

In keeping with the Council's 2024-2029 objectives, a series of inspiring talks focused on diversity, inclusion and the Catholic faith in an increasingly pluralistic world, allowing participants to reflect on ways to bring identity, innovation and caring to our learning and working environments.

Find out more by reading the full article:
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