Special Education Advisory Committee

Standing and Mandatory Committee

The Special Education Advisory Committee makes recommendations to Council on the creation, development and delivery of services and programs for students with special developmental needs. The committee is composed of trustees and representatives of local associations that seek to promote the interests and well-being of children with special needs.

Policy Committee

Standing Committee

Human Resources and Negotiations Committee

Standing Committee

Finance Committee

Standing Committee

Audit Committee

Standing Committee

Parent Involvement Committee

Standing and Mandatory Committee

The Parent Participation Committee (PPC) is an important advisory group that functions as a direct link between parents and the Director of Education and the Trustees. While the School Council focuses on the school and local community, the Parent Involvement Committee acts at the school board level and is concerned with issues that affect several schools.


Les réunions du CPP ont lieu à quatre reprises pendant l’année scolaire et débutent dès 18 h (heure de l’Ouest) et 19 h (heures de l’Est et Thunder Bay).

Dates des réunions du CPP pour l’année scolaire 2024-2025 :

  • 8 octobre 2024
  • 10 décembre 2024
  • 25 février 2025
  • 20 mai 2025
Prochaine rencontre : prochaine réunion"Prochaine réunion : le mardi 8 octobre, 18 h (région de l’Ouest) et 19 h (région de l’Est et Thunder Bay)"

Political Canvassing Committee

Committee for Supervised Alternative Learning

Mandatory committee

The Supervised Alternative Learning Committee reviews applications and recommends placement in a supervised alternative learning program for students who are excused from school, as per Ontario Regulation 308/94.

Hearing Committee for Suspension or Removal

Mandatory committee

Student Transportation Consortium of Thunder Bay

Western Transportation Consortium


Thunder Bay Diocesan Catholic School Trustees' Association