Looking for a school for your child?
Make the best choice: give your child a French-language education.
At upcoming information sessions, come meet the teachers, visit our schools, learn about the educational programs and find answers to your questions:
- Who can attend the French language school?
- What are the differences between the immersion program and the French language school?
- What is a day like in a French language school?
By choosing the French language school, you are giving your child the keys to success. The French language and French culture are valued and are at the heart of the learning process.
In addition to a quality education in French, English is also taught from grade 4 onwards. In grade 9, our students take the same English courses as students in English high schools. This allows our students to be fluent in both of Canada's official languages.
Come and join us! For more information, call 807 344-2266 and visit : https://csdcab.ca/inscription/inscrire-mon-enfant/
Come and discover our schools and learn what sets us apart at our information and registration evenings… Come discover our schools and all that we have to offer during our information sessions:
- ÉSC de La Vérendrye (Thunder Bay) : Soirée d'information pour les futurs élèves de la 7e et 9e année : jeudi 16 janvier à 18 h | Bilingual information session for future grade 7 and 9 students: Thursday, January 16, at 6 p.m.
- Val-des-Bois Catholic School (Marathon) : Monday, January 20, at 3:30 p.m.
- ESC des Satellites Tuesday, January 21, at 7 p.m.
- Franco-Terrace Catholic School (Terrace Bay) : mercredi 22 janvier à 18 h 30 | Wednesday, January 22, at 6:30 p.m.
- Catholic School Franco-Superior (Thunder Bay) : Thursday, January 23, at 6 p.m.
- Enfant-Jésus Catholic School (Dryden) : Wednesday, February 26, at 6 p.m.
- Étoiles-du-Nord Catholic School(Red Lake) jeudi 27 février à 18 h | Thursday, February 27, at 6 p.m.
Ongoing registration and information:
- Immaculate Conception SchoolIgnatius
- St. Joseph SchoolGeraldton
- Notre-Dame-des-ÉcolesNakina
- Notre-Dame-de-FatimaLonglac