Date of publication: May 3, 2021

This year, let's all come together (virtually) for "Cultivating Hope", a week-long celebration of our French Catholic education from May 3 to 7. Let's strengthen our values, deepen our faith and proudly show our colors as Christians!

Entertainment, activities, a panel of experts and lectures will be offered to school and parish communities to sow, cultivate and marvel in the Catholic faith.

Broadcast platform and full program:

With notably :

Jeudi 6 mai : 10h Messe provinciale virtuelle avec Cardinal Collins à la Basilique-Cathédrale Saint-Michel de Toronto. Vendredi 7 mai : 13h15 Spectacle de l'artiste Laura Gagné

Prayer for Catholic Education Week

God most good, creator of the earth, our common home,

Every day we prepare the soil of our lives by sowing gratitude

for all that you give us.

Inspire us to cultivate relationships with all living beings.

May we reap new fruits that allow us to marvel

in front of the beauty that surrounds us.

To you who cultivates hope and makes us grow,

praise and glory for ever and ever.


L'éducation catholique : Cultiver l'espérance