At the annual meeting of the Northern Lights Catholic District School Board (NHCCDSB) held on Saturday, December 7, 2019, the trustees banked on stability by once again reappointing Mrs. Sylvie Payeur as President and Mrs. Claudette Gleeson as Vice President.
Trustees Payeur and Gleeson have held both positions since 2010 and have contributed greatly to the development of French-language Catholic education in Northwestern Ontario. Ms. Payeur thanks her colleagues for the confidence they have placed in her. "I am very proud to continue to represent the CSDCAB trustees. We are a great team committed to the well-being, pride and success of all students in accordance with our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan."
Ms. Gleeson said she was very pleased to be re-elected as Vice President.
"I am very pleased to support our President and continue the work that has already been done to ensure that our schools are recognized for the quality of education offered to each of our students," said Councillor Gleeson.
Director of Education Lucie Allaire is pleased that the Board will continue to benefit from the outstanding leadership of Ms. Payeur and Ms. Gleeson. The inaugural meeting is also an opportunity for Ms. Allaire to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. "The tabling of my annual report is always a proud moment to see the remarkable dedication of all staff members to the mission of the Council." The full report is available at the Council's website.