Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales

Office hours: Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Head office address :
180 Park Avenue, Suite 210
Thunder Bay ON
P7B 6J4

Address of educational services :
584 Red River Street, Suite 200
Thunder Bay ON
P7B 1H3

Phone: 807 344-2266
No charge: 1 800 367-0874
Fax (non-confidential) : (807) 344-3734

Executive Office

Mireille Major-Levesque

Directorate of Education

Geneviève Beauce

Executive Assistant

Hélène Bérubé

Secretary / Receptionist

Communications Department

Audrey Debruyne

Director of Communications


Communications and Community Liaison Officer

Finance Department

Michelle Ebert

Executive Direction of the Finance Department


Service Manager


Jean-Louis Lepage

Facilities Manager

Guyaume Veilleux

Facilities Officer

Stéphane Vigneault

Payroll and Payables Agent

Gabrielle Chénard

Finance Officer

Human Resources Department

Roxanne Brunelle Crupi

Human Resources Department Executive Management

Melanie Pecore

Manager, Human Resources Department

Johanne Larouche

Human Resources Officer

Mélissa Bélisle

Human Resources Officer

Isabelle Laperrière

Human Resources Secretary

IT Services

Luc Levesque

IT Department

Lise Gauthier

Database Administrator

Matthew Lepage

System Administrator


Computer systems coordinator

Noel Rhéaume

Computer technician

Devin Richer

Computer technician

Educational Services

Marie-France Tousignant

Superintendence of Education

Monia Lalande

Superintendence of Education

Alexandra Mauro

Service Directorate - Wellness and Inclusion

Erin Couture

Assistant Director of Educational Services - Student Success

Geneviève Fortin-Robinson

Assistant Director of Educational Services - Aboriginal Education

Émilie Brochu

Pedagogical advisor - EED and ALF/PANA

Cédrick Jeanpierre

Pedagogical advisor - Language skills

Stéphane Lachance

Educational consultant - Mathematics

Star-Michelle Lepage

Safe School Coordinator

Emily Drouin

Educational Consultant - NTIP

Véronique Morin

Pedagogical advisor - Identity building, catholicity and aboriginal education

Caitlin Guarasci

Pedagogical Consultant - Transforming the learning experience

Denise Dumais

Attendance Advisor

Marion Bergeras

Communication disorders assistant

Lindsay Ferron

Executive Assistant

Meagan Berube

Secretary of Educational Services

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