Come listen and ask your questions to Bryan Baeumler, contractor, renovation expert, TV host,...
For students in grades 7-12. Parents/guardians are invited to attend with their child.
Thursday, June 4, 1 to 3 p.m., free of charge
Registration via Zoom :
***Students who register will be asked to indicate if their parent/guardian is also participating in the virtual conference.
You can write your questions in advance for Bryan Baeumler when you register.
The virtual conference is offered in French and English. The speaker will deliver his content in English.
- Speaker: Bryan Baeumler, entrepreneur. #1 in Canada in Do It Yourself
- IJECT and Secondary Programs - Opportunities for a Career in the Skilled Trades
- Questions
For further information: Éric Gauthier.
Bryan got the renovation bug early in life, when he partnered with a friend to remodel his neighbors' cottages during the summer.
Bryan went on to earn a degree in business administration and started a very successful air cargo business. But he seriously missed manual labor. He became an entrepreneur and started his own company. His enthusiasm, quick wit and ability to communicate the tricks of the trade have made him an outstanding and highly valued builder and employer.
He became a popular Canadian host of several TV series (Disaster DIY, House of Bryan, Island of Bryan, ...)