The Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales (CSDCAB) recently contracted the Centre de leadership et d'évaluation (CLÉ) to conduct a school climate satisfaction data collection. This data collection will be done by consulting the following three target groups: students in grades 4 to 12, parents and school staff.
The ELC is asking for your cooperation in obtaining your views. The results of the survey will allow the school and the school board to:
- Assess how welcoming, safe and inclusive students, parents and school staff feel;
- make decisions about program planning to prevent bullying and promote safety and inclusion;
- to establish and maintain a good school climate in all CSDCAB schools.
The CLÉ invites you to take five minutes to complete the online satisfaction survey in the language of your choice:
If you completed it in paper format, please return it to the school in the envelope marked "CONFIDENTIAL" no later than May 3, 2019 to your child's school. The school will then forward all completed surveys to the ELC.
*If you have more than one child in the same school, it is important to complete the survey based on the older child's experience.
Please be advised that your responses will remain anonymous and will be tabulated by grade level (elementary or secondary).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact The KEY :
Sophie GuindonEvaluation Officer - Program Evaluation Services
telephone: 613-747-7021, ext. 1029
toll free: 1-800-372-5508