During their annual organizational meeting held Saturday, December 4, 2021, Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales (CSDCAB) trustees re-elected Sylvie Payeur as Chair of the Board and Claudette Gleeson as Vice-Chair.
Trustees Payeur and Gleeson have occupied these positions since 2010 and are strongly committed to French-language Catholic education in Northwestern Ontario. "I thank my colleagues for their confidence in this final year of my mandate and I am committed to assisting in the transition of our new education directorate," says Trustee Payeur. "Our vision remains and always has been, to educate children in an environment that promotes faith and the Francophone culture. I am so blessed to be surrounded by an administration and trustees who share this vision."
Ms. Gleeson is also pleased to have been re-elected as Vice President. "It is with great pleasure that I continue to support our Chair. I am committed to continuing to support our trustees and administration in preparation for the next generation," said Trustee Gleeson. " said Councillor Gleeson.
Director of Education, Lucie Allaire, is pleased that the Board will continue to benefit from the outstanding leadership of Ms. Payeur and Ms. Gleeson.
The inaugural meeting is also an opportunity for Ms. Allaire to review the past year’s accomplishments. "I want to thank all of our staff, our administration, our teachers, our principals for their support in achieving our strategic goals and their dedication to student well-being, pride and success. And note, that this is despite all the challenges the pandemic has brought us." The full report (in French) is available on the CSDCAB website.
The Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales covers and serves nine communities in the Northwestern Ontario region and includes nine elementary schools and one secondary school.
Néomie Duval
Interim Director of Communications