To provide enriching experiences for our students, we need parents, grandparents and adult volunteers to accompany them.
In order to ensure the safety of students and to meet the requirements of the Education Act, we require volunteers to obtain a criminal record.
1. Ask the school secretary for a letter of attestation to obtain a criminal history record (vulnerable sector) from the Police Department
2. Bring this letter of attestation to the Police Station
For Red Lake, Dryden and Ignace schools
Red Lake Detachment
115 Howey Street
Red Lake
807 727-2418
Ignatius Detachment
#502 Hwy. 17
807 937-5577
Dryden Detachment
15550 Hwy 17 East
807 937-5577
ÉC Franco-Terrace
Schreiber Detachment
23 Kingsway Road
807 824-2333
ÉC Val-des-Bois
Marathon Detachment
6 Helmo Drive
807 229-0220
For Nakina, Geraldton and Longlac schools
Greenstone Detachment
8054 Highway 11
807 854-1333
For the Ec. Franco-Supérieur
Apply online at (level 3 Police Vulnerable Sector Check - PVSC) and follow the instructions.
If you already have a criminal background check less than 6 months old, give us the certified copy in a sealed envelope
3. After receiving your criminal background check, give it to the school secretary in a sealed envelope to the attention of the Human Resources Department or return it to if you received the check via email.
According to the Education Act, your information remains confidential
4. Submit your receipt to the school for reimbursement of the application fee