Events in March 2025
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
23 February 2025
February 24, 2025(2 events) Full day Is your child starting school in September 2025? Choose the French school!
It's kindergarten registration time! Join us for more information:
807 727-3108 - --------------------------------------------------------- Is your child starting school next year? Register your child at the French-language school! Contact us for more information.
807 727-3108 - - |
February 25, 2025(9 events) Full day Is your child starting school in September 2025? Choose the French school!
It's kindergarten registration time! Join us for more information:
807 727-3108 - --------------------------------------------------------- Is your child starting school next year? Register your child at the French-language school! Contact us for more information.
807 727-3108 - - -
- We remind you to return your library books. Thank you for your business! - - - You are invited to join us at the 3e School Council meeting. The meeting will be held on February 25 from 6 to 7 p.m. on Teams. To register, you can e-mail the school at - - The meeting starts at 6 p.m. (Western region) and 7 p.m. (Eastern region and Thunder Bay). Star-Michelle Lepage, Safe School Coordinator for the Council, will talk about "Positive discipline in our schools". Progressive discipline in schools is an approach that aims to promote a positive and inclusive school environment. Unlike traditional punitive methods, progressive discipline and consequences emphasizes prevention, early intervention and ongoing support to help students adopt appropriate behaviors. |
February 26, 2025(4 events) Full day Is your child starting school in September 2025? Choose the French school!
It's kindergarten registration time! Join us for more information:
807 727-3108 - --------------------------------------------------------- Is your child starting school next year? Register your child at the French-language school! Contact us for more information.
807 727-3108 - - Full day Bullying can affect a person's feelings, relationships, self-esteem and sense of security. It can also make people feel uncomfortable in everyday situations at home, at work or at school. Bullying can take many forms, including : Emotional or psychological bullying harassing someone with verbal attacks, hurtful comments, insults or teasing. Cyberbullying harassment of a person through social media, text messaging, e-mail, websites and other digital channels. Social bullying harassing someone by excluding them, spreading rumors or giving them the silent treatment. Discriminatory intimidation harassment of a person because of their sexual orientation, ethnic origin, gender identity, religion or anything else perceived to make them "different".
- Is your child starting school in September 2025?
Find out what sets us apart at our kindergarten information and registration evening on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 6 p.m. Do you have any questions? We'd love to hear from you!
Tel.: 807 937-4249 E-mail: - Website : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is your child starting school next year? Have you considered a French-language school? Come discover our school and all that we have to offer during our information and registration night on February, 26 2025, at 6 p.m. Have questions? Contact us!
Tel: 807 937-4249 Email: - Web: |
February 27, 2025(4 events) Full day Is your child starting school in September 2025? Choose the French school!
It's kindergarten registration time! Join us for more information:
807 727-3108 - --------------------------------------------------------- Is your child starting school next year? Register your child at the French-language school! Contact us for more information.
807 727-3108 - - Full day - |
February 28, 2025(4 events) Full day Is your child starting school in September 2025? Choose the French school!
It's kindergarten registration time! Join us for more information:
807 727-3108 - --------------------------------------------------------- Is your child starting school next year? Register your child at the French-language school! Contact us for more information.
807 727-3108 - - Full day Themes :
Organizing entity : Board administration Face-to-face Presentation, guest speaker or organization : Center Jules-Léger Consortium Pedagogical advisors : Description (learning methods, topics covered) : Frequency modulation systemDuring this presentation, led by the Consortium's deafness consultants from the Centre Jules-Léger, staff members will discover the many benefits that the universal use of an FM system can bring to a classroom, not only for the students, but also for themselves. AI for educational planning and assessment Optimizing diagnostic assessment in mathematics Analysis of reading screening data Full day Students and staff are encouraged to show their Francophone pride by wearing green and white or something with our French symbols and vocabulary. |
March 1, 2025(2 events) Full day Full day |
2 March 2025(1 event) - A pizza/water supper will be offered to all those who confirm their attendance. Transportation is provided from Kenora, Dryden and Sioux Lookout (mileage reimbursement/public transit/carpooling) with registration. clubfrancoboré |
3 March 2025(2 events) Full day Full day See Mr. Camerons for further information. |
4 March 2025(6 events) Full day - - We remind you to return your library books. Thank you for your business! - - Webinar proposed by Parent Partners in Education Let's celebrate Francophonie Month together! 🎉 In March, we celebrate our beautiful French language and culture. It's the perfect opportunity to reflect on our role, as parents, in transmitting the French language and the values that unite our community. 💡 As French-speaking parents, you are the primary role models and pillars of your children's cultural identity. This workshop will help you better understand how your day-to-day commitment helps your children build their identity and contributes to the vitality of Ontario's Francophone community. Register at and celebrate together! - We'll be offering students and staff a free pancake dinner for Shrove Tuesday. |
5 March 2025(5 events) - Full day -
- - On the menu: spaghetti and meat sauce. |
6 March 2025(4 events) - - - - Webinar proposed by Parent Partners in Education Girls are still under-represented in these fields of opportunity. Let's help them explore their full potential! To mark International Women's Rights Day on March 8, join us for a webinar dedicated to the importance of encouraging girls and young women to consider a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). STEM careers offer exciting and constantly evolving opportunities, but girls are still under-represented, despite their skills and talents. As parents, we have an essential role to play in deconstructing stereotypes and supporting their ambition. Register at Together, let's help our girls explore their full potential! |
7 March 2025(3 events) - Full day Students and staff are encouraged to show their Francophone pride by wearing green and white or something with our French symbols and vocabulary. - |
8 March 2025(2 events) - - |
9 March 2025(2 events) - Full day |
10 March 2025(2 events) - Full day |
11 March 2025(3 events) - Full day - We remind you to return your library books. Thank you for your business! |
12 March 2025(2 events) - Full day |
13 March 2025(3 events) - Full day - |
March 14, 2025(3 events) - Full day Full day Students and staff are encouraged to show their Francophone pride by wearing green and white or something with our French symbols and vocabulary. |
15 March 2025(1 event) - |
16 March 2025(1 event) - |
March 17, 2025(2 events) - - |
18 March 2025(3 events) - - We remind you to return your library books. Thank you for your business! - Webinar proposed by Parent Partners in Education Finding the balance to move forward: Practical strategies for balancing family, work and community involvement Being a parent leader means juggling multiple responsibilities: family, work, school... How do you strike a balance without burning out? This workshop offers concrete strategies in time management, delegation and self-care to help you navigate these challenges with confidence and serenity. Come and talkTake away practical tools and strengthen your leadership while preserving your well-being!
19 March 2025(3 events) - Full day Dress up like a famous character! - Ranch chicken wrap on the menu. |
20 mars 2025(6 events) - Full day Full day
Full day Full day Wear mismatched socks. - Webinar proposed by Parent Partners in Education In Ontario, all high school students must complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate. But what activities are eligible? Where can I find volunteer opportunities? How can you maximize this experience to enrich your academic and personal life? This informative and interactive workshop is designed for parents and high school students. Whether your child is just starting out or looking for the last few hours to complete, this workshop will provide you with practical resources and enriching avenues of engagement. Register at today! |
21 mars 2025(5 events) - - Full day Full day Students and staff are encouraged to show their Francophone pride by wearing green and white or something with our French symbols and vocabulary. - Grade 7 and 8 students will receive a presentation on skilled trades. |
22 mars 2025(1 event) - |
23 mars 2025(1 event) - |
24 mars 2025(1 event) - |
25 mars 2025(2 events) - - We remind you to return your library books. Thank you for your business! |
26 mars 2025(3 events) - Wear mauve and buy your cupcakes for the cause! Full day Lakehead University. - Presented by Nexus Health Discover the essential foundations of social development in children and young people. This webinar explores what social development is and how it influences different spheres of children's and young people's overall functioning. You'll learn strategies to help children and young people develop social skills that optimize their interactions in family, school and social contexts. Join us to acquire practical tools and suggestions to support the social development of your children and/or students. Speaker Marie-Pier Vandette Ph.D., C.Psych |
27 mars 2025
28 mars 2025(2 events) - Students enrolled.
Full day Students and staff are encouraged to show their Francophone pride by wearing green and white or something with our French symbols and vocabulary. |
29 mars 2025(1 event) - |
30 mars 2025
31 mars 2025(1 event) Full day |
1 avril 2025(1 event) - We remind you to return your library books. Thank you for your business! |
2 avril 2025(1 event) Full day |
3 avril 2025
4 avril 2025(1 event) Full day Students and staff are encouraged to show their Francophone pride by wearing green and white or something with our French symbols and vocabulary. |
5 avril 2025
Dr. Marie-Pier Vandette is a clinical psychologist for children, adolescents and families. She is a member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario and Quebec. Her approach is integrative. She is trained in a number of therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, and can intervene in a variety of problems such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and more. Dr. Vandette also performs psychodiagnostic and psychoeducational assessments to explore mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD and ASD), as well as learning disabilities, giftedness and intellectual disabilities. Dr. Vandette divides her time between hospital and private practice. In 2020, she founded and directs the Centre interdisciplinaire familial de l'Est ontarien inc. (CIFEO), which fills a major gap in mental health services in the region. CIFEO now has three branches, two in Eastern Ontario (Rockland and Casselman) and one in Hull. Dr. Vandette also acts as clinical supervisor for doctoral students in clinical psychology at the University of Ottawa. Following a grant from the Autism Services Ontario Fund of the Ministry of Children and Social Services, she recently developed the Eastern Ontario Autism Program. Dr. Vandette is also the co-founder of ProPsychNet Inc. a digital platform to foster collaboration among mental health professionals across Canada.