Did you know that?
Even if your children attend a French-language Catholic school, you may be registered as a taxpayer in the English Public school board by default. As a parent in a French-language Catholic school, you have the right to allocate your school support to your child's board.
If you are a Canadian citizen, French-speaking and Catholic, make sure you are registered as a taxpayer in the French Separate Catholic school system.
Why is this?
We encourage all parents to declare themselves as taxpayers of the French-language Catholic education system. One of the ways the Province of Ontario uses school support allocations as an indicator to make funding projections is to register as a taxpayer. In addition, by registering as a French-language Catholic taxpayer, you are entitled to vote in municipal elections for school trustees who will represent your interests at our Board table.
How to check the assignment
To find out if you are a CSDCAB taxpayer, you can:
- Check your school tax allocation on your municipal tax statement. Make sure you are registered as a taxpayer in the French Separate Catholic School System.
- Contact Finance Department.
- Call the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at 1 866 296-6722
How to change the assignment
To change your assignment, print the form Request for school tax allocation External link (FR / ENGLISH) and return it to MPAC or your school secretary.
Do you have any further questions? Find out more about tutoring designation on the MPAC website.
Don't hesitate to contact us at 807 344-2266 or 1 800 367-0874.