I would like to thank you for your continuous efforts since the beginning of the school year which have greatly contributed to the process of reopening our schools. Thank you for accompanying your child in the application of sanitary measures, this has allowed us to maintain the safety of our schools.
This year's holiday season will be different from those we have experienced in previous years. We realize that the approaching Christmas break can bring challenges, but we invite all families to consider what we can do individually and collectively to make the return to school in January 2021 as safe as possible. The Christmas vacations provide an opportunity to rest and recharge, and can also mean gatherings or travel for essential and non-essential reasons. Our local health offices and the provincial government do not recommend travel, we recognize that it may not be possible for your family to meet these guidelines.
So, according to the recommendations of the health units, if you travel outside of Northwestern Ontario, you are asked to keep your children at home for 14 days following your return. This will ensure that we are all safe and limit the risk of outbreaks in our schools.
If we all follow public health boardsThis will allow us to enjoy the holiday season safely. I invite you to visit the government's holiday season web page for tips on how to celebrate the holidays safely this year and suggestions for safe activities for children and families.
I want to remind you that when we return in January 2021 anyone who feels ill or has symptoms should not attend school. Students, staff and visitors should all be screened daily for COVID symptoms before coming to school. This can be done by using the COVID-19 screening tool for schools and child care proposed by Ontario.
For our part, we will continue to reinforce mask and hand hygiene rules and maintain cohort grouping and physical distancing. We appreciate and thank you for your patience, flexibility and understanding as we continue to work to keep everyone safe.
Please note that we have asked teachers to ensure that all students take their devices (iPads or laptops) home to be prepared for any eventuality when the vacation returns. In order to be kept informed of the ever-changing situation, please check your email, the Board and school websites, and the Facebook pages (Board and schools).
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021. Take care of yourself and others.
Director of Education, Lucie Allaire