Date of publication: June 8, 2023

Pride Month was launched with the raising of the Pride flag in CSDCAB schools last week. This gesture is intended to demonstrate the school board’s commitment as an ally of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

It is important to recognize the challenges and adversity that our 2SLGBTQIA+ friends face, and how we, as allies, continue to advocate for their story and reassure them that they ARE loved unconditionally.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, proud of our Catholic identity, we believe that we are all made in the image and likeness of the God. God loves us just as we are. We are therefore called to see each other through the eyes of God, with sensitivity, empathy and respect.

The CSDC des Aurores boréales takes pride in maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all its students and staff. It is our hope, and goal, to provide an environment where everyone feels valued, included, respected, worthy, and loved.

Did you know:

  • Since 2019, the inclusive pride flag has been raised in front of ÉSC de La Verendrye every June.
  • Our elementary schools raise the franco-pride flag since 2022.
  • School organized equity, diversity and inclusion themed activities support the Board’s B-015 policy, focusing on ensuring a positive, safe and inclusive school climate. B-015, Positive, safe and inclusive school climate.