At École catholique Franco-Terrace, the students’ smiles, and infectious energy caused by the reunion with their friends and favourite staff members made the start of the school year an unforgettable one in Terrace Bay.
First day of school
"Since we have multi-grade classes, the students who were switching classes were really looking forward to getting into their new classrooms with new friends and new teachers," explains the school principal, Mrs. Caroline Scott.
On the first day of school, students and staff came together to take the classic group photo. A photo of the students posing on the stairs outside of the school – a school tradition during key activities – was also taken.
Welcome back activities were organized by teachers to make the return to classroom rules and overview of expectations for the 2022-2023 school year something fun. Students were ready to learn new things, even on the first day of school. As Mrs. Scott expressed, "We jump right in!"
The students also met the new Student Council composed of three students: one each from grade 6 to 8.
Pom-pom initiative
"We have a tower and when students speak in French, we give them pom-poms to fill it," says Ms. Scott. "When they fill it, the whole school gets a reward." If students fill it twice, they earn a field trip, such as the opportunity to go to Gammondale Farm, south of Thunder Bay, in the fall.
Open House
Following the first week of school, Franco-Terrace held its Open House, which was attended by approximately 50 parents and their children. A great success for the school!
Parents had the opportunity to meet with staff members as well as Mrs. Elise Kenny, a representative of the Club francophone du lac Supérieur. Réal Deschatelets also offered a few words to the participants as a parent, president of the Club francophone du lac Supérieur and as CSDC des Aurores boréales school board trustee. A tour of the school followed.
"It was a great social opportunity for parents to finally meet in person. We'd like to do more of that this year," Scott says. "We want to give parents more opportunities to come back into the school. It was so nice to see each other and hear people laugh together."