Date of publication: october 3, 2024

On September 27, all Aurores boréales CSDC staff gathered in Thunder Bay for the launch of the Board's 2024-2029 strategic plan.

Our Council's cross is a rich symbol, conveying both spiritual and cultural depth. 

The regional day began with the unveiling of a cross created in the image of the Council, followed by a prayer ceremony led by Deacon Etienne Roussel. The cross embodies the idea of a Catholicity that is both open and rooted, and a rallying symbol for all those who carry within them the diversity of cultures, experiences and spiritual paths.

Mireille Major-Levesque, Director of Education, unveiled the new multi-year strategic plan 2024-2029. The fruit of intense collaborative work, to which employees, community partners, parents and trustees contributed, it embodies our collective will to go further together for the good of our students.

This new strategic plan perfectly reflects the values that define us:

  • Our Francophone and Catholic identity, the foundation of our educational mission.
  • Our welcoming and caring culture, for which we are renowned.
  • Our spirit of innovation, which enables us to offer excellent education and stand out in our communities.

These three pillars - identity, innovation and caring - form our 2024-2029 plan. They represent both our heritage and our vision for the future.

In keeping with the Council's 2024-2029 objectives, a series of inspiring talks focused on diversity, inclusion and the Catholic faith in an increasingly pluralistic world, allowing participants to reflect on ways to bring identity, innovation and caring to our learning and working environments.

Murray Watson opened the day with a reflection on "How do we identify as Catholic among all religions?". In a context of growing religious diversity, he encouraged participants to embrace their faith in an open and joyful way, while drawing on the teachings of Pope Francis to promote a welcoming and inclusive Christianity.

The next conference, "Living Together in Plurality", presented by Dr Astrid Tirel and Dr Alice Fomen from the University of French Ontario, focused on the richness of a multicultural educational environment. The speakers proposed concrete strategies for creating inclusive classrooms and diverse workplaces, while highlighting the positive impact of diversity on student learning.

Finally, Félix Saint-Denis closed the day with a dynamic presentation entitled "Notre planète franco... un méga monde!". He invited school staff to explore new ways of including students and staff from diverse Francophone cultures, while strengthening their Francophone identity in Ontario.

The day was also an opportunity for Aurores boréales CSDC staff to network and discover the Council's 2024-2029 boutique, thanks to a fashion show in the colors of the northern lights.

To learn more about our 2024-2029 strategic plan and discover our priorities for the next five years, please visit our page.

Employés du CSDCAB