PPE - Annual Parents' Congress 2024

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
20 April, 2024

Get ready for a memorable event! Parents partenaires en éducation are delighted to announce their next rendez-vous virtuel, le samedi 20 avril, pour le congrès annuel des parents 2024, sous le thème inspirant : " Partenaires vers un avenir inclusif " (Partners towards an inclusive future).

This exceptional day will be much more than just a virtual meeting; it will be a vibrant celebration of parental commitment, bringing National Volunteer Week to a close in style. Our carefully chosen theme embodies our shared vision and aligns perfectly with our fundamental mission: to equip, enlighten and accompany you throughout your journey as a first-time educator.

"Partners Toward an Inclusive Future" resonates deeply with our commitment to putting equity, diversity and inclusion at the heart of every initiative. As Parent Partners in Education, we have forged a program of diversity and inclusion that speaks to our desire to create a welcoming space for every parent, whatever their trajectory. This program, the fruit of a vast and passionate community mobilization, reflects our understanding of the issues raised by the multiple diversities that enrich our community.

Stay tuned for the detailed program of this day, where we'll explore together the paths that will lead us to a future that is inclusive, egalitarian and respectful of every parent's path. PPE is proud to offer a special gift* reserved for the first 100 registered parents.We would like to thank you for your commitment.

Information and free registration via Eventbrite event.

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