PPE - Conversation between parents : Living in French with my child

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
March 7, 2024

Living in French with my child: Challenges and tips for raising our children in the richness of the French language!

Join Parents partenaires en éducation for a special conversation in celebration of Mois de la francophonie! In our multicultural Canadian society, it's common for families to speak more than one language at home. Young people attending French-language schools can often have only one French-speaking parent. This can pose challenges both for non-French-speaking parents wishing to fully play their role as first educator, and for French-speaking parents needing to assume a greater role in their children's school life.

Come join this conversation as we address challenges, share strategies, explore resources, and create a moment of connection within the community of multilingual families. Let's celebrate Francophonie Month together by sharing our experiences and strengthening our family ties in linguistic diversity!

Information and free registration via Eventbrite event.

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